
Badges can be earned for just about anything. If you would like to earn a badge for doing something not on this list, just talk to the troop officers and we'll help you to set something up.

The troop officers will need to see you demonstrate your badge skills in order to issue your badge. Don't be shy!

Several times a year we will hold a pinning ceremony, usually as part of a larger event, to formally recognize and award badges.

The 10 Core Badges

Crafting Create something! This can be baking, woodworking, bookbinding, knitting--anything. Be ready to show off your creation!

Educator Teach either in a public setting or a private one. The information doesn't have to be specific to age play.

Event Host You can host or help plan a private or public event. Remember that this event must be an inclusive event held specifically in connection with the Little Scouts.

First Aid Be ready to demonstrate proficiency in core first aid skills.

Fundraiser Hold a fundraiser to benefit Little Scouts or an approved charity.

Journalism Write, film, record, or otherwise generate media that details current age play events or history. Your piece can also be instructional or artistic.

Leather Care Be ready to demonstrate proficiency in leather care.

Llama A Llama Scout is an outstanding scout who has gone above and beyond and become involved in the running of Little Scouts.

Mentor Talk to your troop leaders about what you can do within your community to mentor or assist new scouts. You can also act as an ambasador and reach out to non-local Little Scouts troops and help them!

Volunteer Help out at an event, act as a demo model, or find some other way to give back to the Littles and Leather communities.