Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Folsom Street Fair 2016

Our booth at Folsom Street Fair this year was a huge success! Thank you to all of the hardworking volunteers who put in their free time for Little Scouts, we couldn't do it without you! And thank you so much to everyone who came out and spent part of their Folsom day with us, all the littles and bigs who came out to play games and do chalk art really made this Folsom extra fun and special! Thank you to everyone who donated, this year we made our goal of $200!
If anyone volunteered at our booth this year and did not receive their volunteer badge, please email us at thelittlescouts@gmail.com in order to get your badge at the next event. Our next party is going to be a Halloween party in San Francisco, with games, candy, and a costume contest! It is a fun opportunity to meet other littles and make new friends! It will be held on the weekend of Halloween, more information will be posted soon! 

Thanks again! 
Little Scouts Founder/Treasurer